Income Opportunity

Become an Independent Sales Associate and start your future working from home. We are expanding our company to new heights and you're the next leader in line.

Matrix Income

The commission for the $19.95 stays exactly the same including overrides and bonuses.
With the Platinum and Gold Plans you also get the $80 advance and the additional bonuses and overrides just like with the Total Security Plan.
Additionally if you have a Platinum or Gold membership you will be placed in the MCA Matrix and any Platinum or Gold memberships you sell will fall under you in that matrix, which will allow you to add a second stream of income.

Hypothetical Example

Month 1.  Say you refer 3 people to the Platinum Plan.  Then on the 15th of the following month you will earn 3 x $0.20 = $0.60 in reward dollars. Since you referred these 3 people then they are 1st generation to you.

Month 2.  Then those 3 people refer 3 people each to the Platinum Plan and of course the 3 you referred paid their membership dues for the month.  Then on the 15th of the following month you receive $0.60 in reward dollars for the 3 people you referred, and since the 3 you referred, referred 3, then those 9 people, who are 2nd generation to you, fell in your matrix and you receive $1.81 for those people who fell on the 2nd level of your matrix. Each of the 3 your referred receive $0.60 in reward dollars for the 3 people they referred.  BUT you also match on their reward dollars so you receive and additional 3 x $0.60 = $01.80 in 1st matching.  You reward income is $0.60 + $01.81 = $2.40 in reward dollars and $1.80 in 1st matching for a total of $4.21 in reward income.
Month 3.  Now, say the 9 2nd generation associates, those who were referred by the people you referred, each refer 3 people to the Platinum Plan, for a total of 27 new referrals.  These 27 then fall into your matrix under your nine 2nd generation associates.   Then, on the 15th of the following month, you have 3 + 9 + 27 = 39 people in your matrix, which pays you $7.82 in reward dollars.  The 3 you referred, your 1st generation, now each have 12 people in their matrix so they each are paid $2.40 in reward dollars, and your 9 2nd generation each have 3 people in their matrix, so they each receive $0.60.  So you receive reward income of $7.82 + (3 x $2.40 = $7.20 for 1st matching) + (9 x $0.60 = $5.40 for 2nd matching) =  $20.44.  (there are fractional pennies that make it add up right.)  By this time you have already covered the additional cost of the Platinum membership each month.

Month 4.  If the 27 refer 3 so that 81 more people fall in your matrix, then your reward dollars will be $24.05, your 1st matching will be $23.45, and your 2nd matching will be $21.64 and the total matrix income you will be paid on the 15th of the following month is $69.14. You get the picture… if the process continues each month for next 7 months then in this hypothetical example you could be earning $98,437.48 per month or $1,181247.89 per year in MATRIX INCOME

Now on all of your 1st or 2nd generation recruits, you match on their reward dollars (look at the column headings) they receive no matter where they fall in your matrix or outside of your matrix (like on your 12th level or 20th level…(YOU DONT MATCH ON THEIR MATCHING YOU MATCH ON THEIR REWARD DOLLARS).  

If you have 5, 50, or 1000 1st and 2nd generation recruits who have an active Gold or Platinum membership then you match all of their
reward dollars…once again not on THEIR matching.
That is the power of the matrix and 1st and 2nd matching.


How to Upgrade?

If you are generating sales. I encourage you to upgrade your MCA membership to the Gold or Platinum.
Both plans enter you into the MCA/TVC Matrix. Upgrade!

Referral Income

Earning Money with MCA

Income can be earned through referring others (friends, family) to an MCA Membership.
The company pays advanced commission on memberships that are paid with a valid credit, debit or bank account. Since MCA sells plans starting at $9.95 commission will vary from $40.00- $80.00 per sale.
$9.95 plan = $40.00 Commission
$14.95 plan = $60.00 Commission
$19.95 plan = $80.00 Commission
Commissions are paid the following friday of the original sales. For example: You sell a membership on Tuesday; You will receive your commission via direct deposit on Friday of the following week.

Advance commission is calculated on a 17 month basis. Therefore the possibility of charge backs exists.

>TVCMATRIX.com > Log in > Click the Associate Tab > Click Sales Icon > Advance Payment Information

More Referral Income.

In addition to your earned commission, you may also earn override income on your teams’ sales.
1st Generation = $6.00
2nd & 3rd Generation =$1.32
4th & 5th Generation=  $.66
These amounts are based on those people joining your downline with valid credit, debit and or bank account.
It is important that you set up your direct deposit form.

Getting Paid

Setting Up Direct Deposit
Before you can receive your first payment it is essential that you set up your direct deposit form.
Associate Agreement
As an MCA Associate you are required to agree and sign the MCA Associate Agreement.
Paying Taxes
As an MCA Associate you are considered an Independent Contractor. As an IC you are responsible to pay taxes on your earnings with Motor Club of America. Therefore it is important to complete the W-9 Tax form. Download.
At the end of the year TVC/ MCA will issue you a 1099. If you made more than $500.00 you are required to report taxes.
To save on taxes keep track of your receipts and expenses.

Personal or Corporation

As an MCA Associate you are able to run your MCA business under your existing corporation. This requires that you have a legal entity, EIN Tax number, and articles of incorporation. For more information contact TVC Marketing Associates.
Documentation can be mailed, faxed or emailed.

Email: TVC@TVCMarketing.com
Fax: 1-405-607-2500
Mailing Address
TVC Matrix
3200 W. Wilshire Blvd

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